In the past dreams were considered as God's revelation, therefore they were explained only by priests.
Nowadays it is said that dreams are one of the most mysterious process in human brain.Still today mechanism of dreams creating is not clear.Researches from all over the world present various typs of hypotheses,but it is difficult to explain everything just in labaratory.Ussualy new hipothesis is denyed by new examples of dreams.However psychologists state that dreams are related with personal human experience.The most dreams are affected by events,facts,information from the past.Of course it is good explanation,but on the other hand it can't involve other very interesting and mysterous dream's creating mechanism.Also dreams are affected by what is happening inside our organisms: it is digest, temperature,state of health and so on.There are two typess of dreams as well.One dreams can be explained by person who dream them,because they can be quite logical,with details from his true life.But other type of dreams are unaccountable even for a dreamer.They ussualy are influenced by physiological and other details from our health state.One people pay attention to everything what they are dreaming-they buy dream's books, but other just forget them very quickly.The fact is that we all dream.It doesn't matter if we remember or not.It depends when and how we wake up,because there are several different stages of sleeping and dreaming.
It is said that creating diary of dreams is also very interesting thing,because we can forecast our future events,but i think it is not great idea.
Now we all know that dreams comes from our unconscious minds and sometimes they are just a chaos of thousand of our minds.So we shouldn't make serious desicions about them.